Affordable Housing in the DRC Boosted as Government Partners with Shelter Afrique

Bisi Adedun . 11 months ago

affordable housing

Democratic republic of Congo


shelter afrique

Affordable Housing in the DRC Boosted as Government Partners with Shelter Afrique

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Article Summary: Shelter Afrique has announced a partnership with the Democratic Republic of Congo to scale-up Affordable Housing within the country. The partnership, based on a memorandum of understanding between the two parties, will entail Shelter Afrique providing part funding for identified affordable housing projects within the DRC while acting as lead arranger for the syndication of…

Shelter Afrique has announced a partnership with the Democratic Republic of Congo to scale-up Affordable Housing within the country. The partnership, based on a memorandum of understanding between the two parties, will entail Shelter Afrique providing part funding for identified affordable housing projects within the DRC while acting as lead arranger for the syndication of additional funding. 


In addition, the company will work with the different housing departments (Congolese Agency for Property Development (ACOPRIM), the National Housing Fund (FONHAB) and the Single Window, GUICHET UNIQUE) to improve their capacity to implement and deliver large-scale affordable housing projects through technical and advisory assistance.


This partnership is crucial in providing a practical strategy to effectively bridge the housing demand and supply gap within the country. 


African Countries Register a Huge Deficit in Affordable Housing Supply


According to the Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa, DRC had an overall housing deficit of 3,945,555 units  estimated at 263,039 housing units per annum. This initiative will be crucial in bridging the housing supply gap while empowering the government with crucial technical knowledge for future schemes. That said, it is crucial that the housing supplied is within the affordability range for the intended demographic.


The Estate Intel Affordable Housing Paradigm Report shows a gulf between what is being supplied by the government and what the citizens can afford – a key problem in multiple African countries.


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