Business Continuity amid COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Dolapo Omidire . 5 years ago

Business Continuity amid COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

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Article Summary: The COVID-19 outbreak in Nigeria is gaining momentum and it is changing how we need to do things to remain safe. Here is a brief update from Estate Intel explaining business continuity amid COVID-19. Safety of our Employees: We take the safety of our team very seriously and to ensure we remain healthy all Estate Intel employees will…

The COVID-19 outbreak in Nigeria is gaining momentum and it is changing how we need to do things to remain safe. Here is a brief update from Estate Intel explaining business continuity amid COVID-19.
  • Safety of our Employees: We take the safety of our team very seriously and to ensure we remain healthy all Estate Intel employees will be working from home moving forward. We expect to be back in the office in April barring any new updates.
  • Our Support Team: Temidayo, who is in charge of Customer Success and Client Relationships will be available as usual via our chatbox/intercom, [email protected] or on +234 907 357 4888 to answer any questions you might have. Please feel free to reach out to me directly or to individual teams using:
  • Ongoing Research Projects: Business will continue as usual, however, all clients with ongoing research projects will be contacted independently to address any potential disruptions or extensions that we may require due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Disruptions will be restricted to bespoke reports where we are still gathering field data.
  • Updates to our platform: We will continue to update our ongoing projects, reports, directory and other features over the next two weeks and are available for any questions you have on this.
Don’t forget to wash your hands and stay indoors!